Hand Surgery Scientific Publications - Dr. Jonathan Lee Yi-Liang


Dorsal fracture dislocations of the proximal interphalangeal joint treated by open reduction and interfragmentary screw fixation: indications, approaches and results.Lee JYL, Teoh LC.
Top 10 Downloaded 1996, J Hand Surg (Br/Eur).
J. Hand Surg (Br.)
Apr 2006; 31B(2): 138-146.

Mallet Fractures: A novel approach to internal fixation using a hook plate.
Teoh LC, Lee JYL.
Top 10 Downloaded 1997 Jan-Jun, J Hand Surg (Br/Eur).
J. Hand Surg (Br.)
Feb 2007; 32(1): 24-30

Late Rupture Of Flexor Pollicis Longus Tendon After Volar Distal Radius Plating: A Case Report And Review Of The Literature
Woon CYL, Lee JYL, Ng SW, Teoh LC.
Injury (Extra)
July 2007; 38(7): 235-238.


The dorsal pentagonal island flap: A technique of web reconstruction for syndactyly that facilitates direct closure.
Teoh LC, Lee JYL., Hand Surgery (Asia Pacific), Dec 2004; 9(2): 245-250.

Central Column Reconstruction following total resection of a third metacarpal giant cell tumour: A case report.
Lee JYL, Pho RWH, Yeo DSC., Journal Hand Surgery (Br.), Nov 2005; 30B(6): 650-655.

Heterodigital arterialized cross finger flap - extending the reach and versatility of the heterodigital flap.
Lee JYL, Teoh LC, Seah V., Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, Jun 2006; 117(7): 2320-2328.

Preservation of digital palmar veins to avoid venous congestion in heterodigital arterialized flaps. [Invited Reply - Letter to the Editor]
Lee JYL, Teoh LC., Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, June 2007; 119(7) 2323.

Flap resurfacing of post-Infection soft tissue defects of the hand.
Woon CYL, Lee JYL, Teoh LC., Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, Dec 2007; 120(7): 1922-9.

Free digital artery flap: An ideal flap for large finger defects in situations where local flaps are precluded.
Wong CH, Teoh LC, Lee JYL, Yam AKT, Khoo DBA, Yong FC., Annual Plastic Surgery, Mar 2008; 60(3): 254-259.

The spiral flap for fingertip resurfacing: short-term and long-term results.
Lim GJ, Yam AK, Lee JY, Lam-Chuan T., Journal Hand Surgery (Am)., Mar 2008; 33(3): 340-347.

Resurfacing hemipulp losses of the thumb: the cross finger flap revisited - indications, technical refinements, outcomes and long-term neurosensory recovery.
Woon CYL, Lee JYL, Teoh LC., Annual Plastic Surgery, Oct 2008; 61(4): 385-391.

Contralateral Pedicled Lateral Arm Flap For Hand Reconstruction.
Ng SW, Teoh LC, Lee JYL, Seah WTV., Annual Plastic Surgery 2010; 64: 159-163


A Chronic Nocardia Infection following conservative treatment of a high pressure injection injury of air.
Lee JYL, Yong FC. Hand Surgery (Asia Pacific), Dec 2005; 10(2): 255-259.

Mycobacterium Marinum as a cause of chronic granulomatous tenosynovitis in the hand.
Pang HN, Lee JYL, Puhaindran M, Tan SH, Tan ABH, Yong FC., J. Infection Jun 2007; 54(6): 584-588.

Pyogenic flexor tenosynovitis: a new classification based on prognosticating factors and outcomes.
Pang HN, Teoh LC, Yam AYT, Lee JYL, Puhaindran ME, Tan ABH., J. Bone & Joint Surg. (Am) Aug 2007; 89(8): 1742-8.

Simultaneous infected pseudoaneurysm and suppurative tenosynovitis resulting from radial artery cannulation.
Gavin Kang, Wong CH, Lee JYL, Surg Infect (Larchmt). Aug 2008; 9(4): 489-492.

Pincer nails complicated by distal phalangeal osteomyelitis.
Pang HN, Yi-Liang Lee J, Beng-Hoi Tan A., J. Plast. Reconstr. Aesth. Surg., Jan 2009; 62(2): 254-257.

A tuberculous midpalmar abscess of the hand due to reactivation of previous pulmonary tuberculosis.
Gavin CW Kang, Andrew KT Yam, Jonathan YL Lee., Ann Acad Med Singapore, Nov 2008; 37(11): 982-3

Rice Bodies, Millet Seeds And Melon Seeds In Tuberculous Tenosynovitis Of The Hand And Wrist.
Woon CYL, Lee JYL, Puhaindran M, Peng YP, Teoh LC, Phoon YS., Ann. Plast Surg., Accepted for Publication.


Stonefish Envenomations of the Hand - A local marine hazard. A report of 8 cases and review of the literature.
Lee JYL, Leo P, Teoh LC., Ann Acad Med Singapore, July 2004; 33(4): 515-20.

Attritional rupture of the small finger flexor tendons following local steroid injections of a hook of hamate fracture.
Woon CYL, Lee JYL, Teoh LC., Injury (Extra), Jun 2007; 38(6): 199-202.

Diagnostic dilemmas in unusual presentations of gout.
Christopher Hoe-Kong Chui, Jonathan Yi-Liang Lee., Australian Fam. Phys., Nov 2007; 36(11): 931-934.


Chap 7: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
A comprehensive guide for patients and general practitioners., Lee JYL, Teoh LC, In: Tan SH, Teoh LC (Ed.). Painful conditions of the hand and wrist. p49-54.